Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Introduction to the Facilitating Online Communities course

Hello everyone,

My name is Assumpta Bohigas and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I'm interested in the Facilitating Online Communities course because I think that participation in an online community is a way, amongst others, to introduce people to virtual environments and improve their digital literacy.

I run an online communication consultancy and we make virtual debates in work institutions. I work with one of the other participants, Aina Bernal.

I'm looking forward to begin this course and learn new things,

Assumpta Bohigas


  1. Hello Assumpta, great to hear from you. I am really looking forward to talking more to you and Aina because I have a great interest in working with rural communities being that I am currently doing some locum midwifery work in a rural/remote community. Here's a thought or two about some eMentoring work I have been doing with rural communities:


  2. Hi Assumpta, great to have some European connections here too. I too want ot learn more about increasing the awareness of digital literacy skills (including my own!) Cheers, Elaine

  3. Hi Assumpta

    I was in Europe a couple of months ago and would love to go to Spain next time. Like you I want to get connected and I also want to improve my digital literacy. Hopefully we can talk some more about the course.

